09 bike tour

Day 23 – Pueblo, CO – 0 miles

After seven days of progress or semi progress, we decided to take a day off to rest.  Of course Cyndy’s idea of resting means we ride or walk around the town and see the sights for hours.  Steve’s idea of rest is sleeping a little late and exercising his remote control hand and backside.  Unfortunately […]

09 bike tour

Day 22 – Coaldale to Pueblo, CO – 87 miles

Actually got off to an early start today.  Up before 6am and on the road before 6:30.  We woke to a crystal clear morning with light winds, 45 degrees and beautiful views all around.  The river was steaming and the flow of the water was the only sound to be heard.  It was so quiet

09 bike tour

Day 21 – Mt. Princeton to Coaldale, CO – 40 miles

Yup, a whopping 40 miles today.  We got up late, had a nice breakfast at the resort lodge and went back to the hot springs upper pool that has a 300 foot slide.  Then slid right into a “day off” mode that was hard to shake. After dragging ourselves out of the pool a nice

09 bike tour

Day 20 – Monarch Pass to Mt. Princeton – 40 miles

For those of you that have been actively watching our ride progress via this blog and our other web resources, we’re sure you have noticed a slight reduction in forward progress.  Like our side trip two days ago, today we have taken another turn north to do some sight seeing and maybe a bit of

09 bike tour

Day 19 – Crested Butte to Monarch Summit, CO 69 miles

This is coming to you from the wilderness on top of Monarch Pass at an altitude somewhere above 10,000 feet.  We ducked off the road in the late afternoon in a gorgeous plateau a mile short of the summit.  We avoided one shower and a second was coming with lightning.  So here we are, on

09 bike tour

Day 19 – Crested Butte to Monarch Summit, CO 69 miles

This is coming to you from the wilderness on top of Monarch Pass at an altitude somewhere above 10,000 feet.  We ducked off the road in the late afternoon in a gorgeous plateau a mile short of the summit.  We avoided one shower and a second was coming with lightning.  So here we are, on

09 bike tour

Day 18 – Elk Creek to Crested Butte, CO – 44 miles

Today we woke in beautiful setting.  A little cold for Cyndy and just right for Steve.  The scenery was great we’re actually relaxing and enjoying our environment and looking forward to our ride demands since we have 13 days to cover only 200 miles. We have reached this point about 10 days ahead of schedule

09 bike tour

Day 17 – Montrose to Elk Creek, CO – 52 miles

Today was a true touring day.  There was no rushing but it was lot of chatting with locals and ducking rain showers. We got up at 8 am or so ran down to the coffee shop to get breakfast so Cyndy could have her precious coffee. (by the way it was a very cute place

09 bike tour

Day 16 – Grand Junction to Montrose, CO – 71 miles

Set the alarm for 5:30 this morning but that didn’t stop us from delaying our departure until 7:30.  The morning was warm but as we move away from the desert, warm becomes relative.  Left town via a published bike route and got a new view of the city.  Very nice section with classic architecture that

09 bike tour

Day 15 – Grand Junction, CO – 8 miles

Today was a rest, errand and eat day.  Haven’t done much of the rest part.  But we have some time reserved when we’re done writing this to lounge. Just after leaving Ely, NV Steve discovered that the click in his pedal that he thought was a loose cleat was actually a loose bottom bracket (the

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