Day 42 – Fairfield to Xenia, OH – 50 miles

Decided last night that a new rear tire is mandatory so I waited until 10 am for the nearby shop to open.  They had a very limited supply but one that would work, so I was in business without going off route.  You know I like that.

They delay also allowed me to watch a couple of morning showers go by without getting wet.  The front that has been on my rear for days has now taken residence on top.  I have been watching the weather RADAR trying to pick the best departure time or determine if I should take today as a rest day.

The morning has been relaxing but the downside, of course, is that it’s now approaching 12pm and I haven’t been on the bike today.  As I finish lunch/breakfast the clouds are breaking and it’s time to go.

The route for today was selected, again, because it appeared to be small untraveled roads.  I couldn’t be more wrong.  Small shoulder lots of traffic.  I definitely miss Kansas.  As I passed Lebanon route 42 traffic load calmed markedly and the shoulder widened.  The rest of the ride was more calm.Fairfield to Xenia, OH 002

As I rode over an overpass a couple of miles south of Xenia I saw a bike path below.  I stopped and asked Alice what she knew about it but she wasn’t talking.  When I got to Xenia I found the path and the fact that I could have been riding on it for a large portion of the day, Bummer.  But I also found it goes to the next town on tomorrows agenda, so that’s a plus.

Today was short and tough for me.  I never warmed up (muscles) and even the little climbs were tough.  I also had a 10 + MPH wind behind  me that should have elevated my average, but it never happened.  I don’t know if it was just an off day or a more chronic issue with the pace I’ve been maintaining.

So 50 miles to Xenia and I was sitting by 5pm.

See more photos of this leg

bike trip, bike tour, cross-country, camp, bike, travel, transcontinental, Raleigh

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