09 bike tour

Day 64 – Medina to Macedon,NY – 71 miles

We are certainly not going to get any awards for our morning motivation so far.  We barely made it to our 7:30 breakfast reservations, then proceeded to chat with the owners for another hour.  Ran back to the room to get the blog finished and sucked up another hour and still didn’t finish.  Couldn’t delay […]

09 bike tour

Day 63 Tonawanda to Medina, NY 41 miles

Whoa!! Forty one miles!  We’re getting a little crazy here.  We did get a late start after handling the logistics of going to the bike shop where Cyndy’s bike was reassembled.  Then unloading the rental car across the street on the bike path. Then dropping off the rental car and riding the twelve miles back

09 bike tour

Days 48 through 61

We’ll be back on the road to finish the last leg of the trip right after Labor Day.  Day 47 was posted at the same time as this message so there may be some new stuff you haven’t seen!

09 bike tour

Day 47 – East Ripley to Tonawanda, NY – 81 miles

During the night the wind had changed to easterly and the shore line was quiet except for a little sloshing.  It was a Chamber of Commerce morning at the lakes’ edge. I really didn’t want to leave but the reality of ride distance and needing to move on kept me prepping to get underway.  Another

09 bike tour

Day 46 – Ashtabula, OH to East Ripley,NY 75 – miles

Another mighty fun day today.  Cleaned up the campsite and hit the road in a pretty timely fashion.  The bike path ended just a short distance after rejoining it, as expected.  A couple of turns to route twenty to get me on the course for the day.  The town of Ashtabula, as I saw it,

09 bike tour

Day 45 – Medina to Ashtabula, Oh – 98 miles

Left the hotel this morning with a full stomach and a good laugh after seeing the look on a little girls’ face when I told her why my bike was covered with bags and where I had come from.  Priceless. Medina was a very busy little area with a major interstate intersecting my route, but

09 bike tour

Day 44 – Delaware to Medina, OH – 92 miles

Great ride today.  Continued on the nice roads with low traffic for the most part.  Got out about 17 miles to Fredericktown and found a place to have breakfast.  Came through the door to the clang of bells hung on it.  Got the “ya ain’t from round here” look from everyone.  Never to let that

09 bike tour

Day 43 – Xenia to NE of Delaware, OH – 92 miles

Great day to be out biking.  I woke this morning feeling refreshed and rested after taking the afternoon off yesterday and getting to bed much earlier than I have been.  My eyes actually opened on their own rather than having to get out the pry bar. I was excited to get on the bike, I

09 bike tour

Day 42 – Fairfield to Xenia, OH – 50 miles

Decided last night that a new rear tire is mandatory so I waited until 10 am for the nearby shop to open.  They had a very limited supply but one that would work, so I was in business without going off route.  You know I like that. They delay also allowed me to watch a

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